#Jasmine by #SideWinder/Megawatts #this one goes out to #jasmine..rose in the #dessert of my heart. #and also to all my #friends..... # take care of this #planet..its our home #.greetings go to all #megawatts/porphyria #members around da #globe,yo's to cybie, #starshadow,u41a, #jazzcatt,gruel,teijo #,and a bunch of #others i call friend #s....live long and # skin a buffalo!... #to contact...write #eric g. 8611 cape #valley san antonio # tx 78227 usa..... #net* eric_h_gieseke@ #fcircus.sat.tx.us ** #music(c)1993 eric g. #lates!s.w... #endoftransmission...